Sunday, April 29, 2012

Chapter 1: Magnets and Internets, How Do They Work?

The Life and Times of A Noisy Ninja

Chapter 1: Magnets and Internets, How Do They Work?

An introduction to the crazy mayhem I call my life.

     Today, I begin my online diar- Many people go on to these blogs to talk about their lives and the lives of others and these people get very successful at it. So I thought why not throw my hat into the ring and honestly I need to vent my frustrations of the universe to somewhere other than my pillow. So I guess I might as well start with an "Who Am I?". My name is Peter, to the internet, I am MLD Destroyer (super original, I know)/ A N0isyNinja. To the real world, I am "that kid in the corner". So, since were in the majestic land of the interwebs, you can call me A N0isyNinja, Peter if you must be formal. I live in a townhome (fancy for apartment) in the city of mooresville, North Carolina. I moved to beautiful (compared to my previous home) home on Mangum Circle (yeah, that's right, the street name is MANGUM. Because if I lived on Magnum, that would make my house cool.) a little over 2 years ago. I've lived in this neighborhood for 4 years. I moved across the street after my previous house was foreclosed because my landlords an idiot. I was born in Astoria, New York until 4 years ago, when I moved to North Carolina. Most of my life is usually spent on Xbox or on the computer talking to my friends (yeah, I got friends). Internet wise, I think I've done everything you shouldn't do, from the blue and white text youtube videos to getting hacked for a very obvious password. I still attend school at a little school called Lake Norman High School (or to what everyone calls it, Heroine High). I have a small, but still existent, social life. Although, it's just the same guys that I talk to on Xbox (that counts, right?). The one thing people find weird about me (no, not my face), is that I watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Now wait, I know some of  you are about to exit out of this tab and pretend like it never happened, it in all honestly, the show is good. I'm sure one of my posts will be about the show. Eventually. My Friends and family are something else. To understand my up and coming stories, you must understand them (and that's a very tall order). I'll try to explain as best as I can.

My Friends List (leaving out Last names they're cause scared someone might track them down or some bull).

-Harrison: Harrison is a very...unique individual. He is my best friend (sorry other friends. Its not me, its you)  We have known each other for about 2 years now. He is a big halo and MLP enthusiast. Out of all of my friends, I think him and I have the most in common. If you've ever turned on your xbox and saw the same guy online every single time, he's that guy. He has a dream of becoming a animator at Bungie Studios in Seattle. He has a lot of heart (which makes up for the fact that he fails in every physical department aside from running). I'm not gonna lie, he's kind of a girl (not because he watches MLP). He can't do the simplest things like sneezing or knocking on a door without it being girly. But he is still a great friend and I am always there for him in any way I can help. But be warned, he is very skilled in video games and will destroy you if you step into his dojo. He is also incredibly random. If you play against him, you wont know if he's going to kill you or give you a hug until it's to late.

-Zach: Zach is my oldest male friend I have here. Although we never talked really until Harrison came into the picture, a friend is still a friend. If there is a good meme or joke out there, zach will be there to over use it in all of his xbox parties. He's a funny guy and wont be afraid to point if he has a problem.

-Hayden: Hayden is the smartest bookworm wise out of all of us. He takes all Honors classes and has already been accepted to some colleges. He loves to play halo but will get very frustrated if you kill him cheaply. He loves anime and will gladly advise them to everyone even if no one cares. Also, if you tick him off, he is not afraid to hold a grudge for a long time.

-Nate: Full name, Nathaniel (but that's too fancy for him) is another strange one. I have read sad stories that made me want to cry but when he read it, he just wanted to kill something. If you annoy him, he will mute you with a passion. He is a fun guy but don't rely on him as a teammate because he will quit at the first sight of danger. He is also very lazy in some of his classes.

-Adam: Brother of hayden, they usually fight, his hair blows in the wind even if there is no wind. I still don't know how he did it.

-Stosh (Joey): Stosh is my little brother. He is incredibly random at times and very annoying. He will probably never take anything seriously.ever. Nicknamed stosh after a bungie employee that would always be blamed for anything that went wrong at the company. This boy will get on your last nerve and if you trace anything that happens in my life back far enough, it will be because of him.

-Duncan: The FNG of the group, Duncan is a strange one. He will play video games with us and be okay but then out of the blue, he will insult you. He is a tough nut to crack. He will get on your nerves but you can tell he has good intentions at heart. Also, incredible Assassins Creed fanboy.


There are more and I might add them if I care. But this is the main cast and crew.

This Blog will be the interesting things that happen to me in my life, both internal and external. So ladies and mentlegen, welcome to The Life and Times of A Noisy Ninja.

-A N0isyNinja


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  3. Now this is a story all about how Petres life got flipped-turned upside down and he'd like to take a minute just sit right there he'll tell you how he became the "kid in the corner" of a town called Mooresville. In Astoria, New York born and raised on the gameboy where I spent most of my days. Chillin' out trollin' relaxin' all cool and all playin' some Pokemanz right outside of school. When a couple of guys who were up to no good started makin' trouble in my neighborhood. I got in one little Pokemanz battle and my mom got scared and said "We're all moving to Mooresville cuz magnets how do they work".
